2018年07月10日 林弟兄亲自关系改变见证

We all suppose the love for the children of our own is human nature and instincts that we can express and deliver to them effortlessly. Is this man's love sufficient and lasting to the test of time and situations? The experience of being a teenager's parent led me to a realization of how limited, short-lived, and conditional my love is, even to my own flesh and blood.

When my son was little, he had always been an innocent and obedient loving child who we treasured, loved, and enjoyed abundantly. He was so perfect and adorable that we called him " Little precious" as his nick name in Mandarin. As he grew into his teenage years, perhaps with peer pressure, hormone changes, and various reasons; many things about my son started to change for the worse and so as the relationship between us. He became very argumentative, compliant, disobedient, and temperamental towards me and others. He often stayed up so late surfing internet and playing video games and started losing focus on his school work. I was extremely unhappy and distraught with him, and it seemed inevitable for me to carry on a conversion with him without ending with a shouting match. I started losing my patience, tolerance, care and love for him, and after many confrontations with him, I even developed hatred against him. It was a very difficult time for me and my family, and I did not know what I could do to turn this tough time around.

Through prayers and bible devotions, I learned about God's love is so perfect, unconditional, and unbiased. We are His creations so He loves us before we know Him or even if we continue sin. God's love revealed to me to love my son unconditionally, though his attitudes and life style that still displease and agitate me. God's love empowered me to pray and bless him daily, I made up my mind to love and to accept him for who he is without asking for any return. After a few weeks, I noticed the miraculous changes in me for being more patient, loving and accepting for my son and also witnessed his attitudes toward us had improved in an amazing way. I believed by the love and power of God, we triumphantly overcame the evil one's scheme to steal, kill, and destroy the relationship of father and son. Praise the Lord for His unconditional love.